Privacy and cookies rules

The following gives a simple overview of what happens to your personal data when you visit our
website. Personal data is any information that can be used to identify you.
Detailed information on data protection can be found in our Privacy Policy, which can be found

In processing personal data, Mönus Paik OÜ complies with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council
(EU) 2016/679, the Personal Data Protection Act, other data protection legislation
and the instructions of the Data Protection Inspectorate.

The controller of the personal data is Mönus Paik OÜ (registration number 16452276, address
Kaare 10, Leisi 94202, Saaremaa, email
To access data or materials, please submit a request to the following email:


The processing of personal data is any activity performed with the personal data of the website user – the collection, processing, storage, rectification or deletion of data.

Users are all persons who visit the website, consume services or provide information to Mönus Paik OÜ.


By using the website, the user gives consent to the processing of his/her data in accordance with these data protection conditions.
Mönus Paik OÜ collects the personal data of users through the website in the following ways:

  •  User’s name and email address – when the user requests information;
  •  Website statistics – by using Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel.

Mönus Paik OÜ uses personal data:

For providing a service to the user, such as concluding and performing a contract,
communicating with the user, or forwarding invoices;

  •  To collect website traffic statistics. To improve the user experience of the website and to improve marketing efficiency.
  • To improve customer service. The information provided by the user helps
    to respond to customer requests and better support visitor needs.
  • To personalise the user experience. The aggregated data will be used by
    to gain a better understanding of how users of the website, as a group, use the services and resources made available on the
  • To improve the website. Feedback provided by users is used to improve
    the products and services offered on the website.
  • For the purpose of advertising, competitions, surveys
    and other functions of the website.
  • To send users information on topics that may be of interest to them.
  • To send periodic emails. The user’s email address is used to send information and updates related to the user’s subscription. The email address will also be used to respond to user questions and/or other requests.
  • To send newsletters. The list of newsletter recipients is regularly updated and kept up to date to ensure quality newsletter content for the user. If a user unsubscribes, the user’s contact is automatically removed from the list.
  • Where the processing of personal data is necessary in the context of the organisation of a campaign, such data will be collected and used only for the purposes of the campaign and in accordance with the terms of the campaign, such as contacting the winner, drawing and delivering the prize.


Mönus Paik OÜ retains personal data as long as it is necessary for the purpose
or required by law. For example, we retain email addresses in the mailing list until the user expresses their wish
to remove it from the list. Mönus Paik OÜ implements organisational, physical as well as
IT security measures to protect personal data. Access to the customer’s personal data for amendment and processing is only provided to
authorised individuals. The involvement of an authorised data controller requires at least the same
security measures.

The user is entitled at any time to:

  • request access to their personal data;
  • request the rectification, integration or deletion of personal data, except
    where the data is processed on another legal basis;
  • request the restriction of the nature of personal data processing;
  • request the transfer of the personal data;
  • withdraw their consent at any time, including by opting out of receiving the newsletter.
    However, withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing
    carried out before the withdrawal of consent.
  • To turn to the Estonian Data Protection Inspectorate or a court to protect their data.

    In order to exercise their rights, the user must send the relevant request

    To restrict the use of cookies, the user can set the preferences in their
    browser settings.

The website uses cookies to ensure a better user experience and more effective marketing and also to collect usage statistics.
A cookie is a small text file that the browser automatically saves on a user’s device.
Cookies are not harmful
to your computer. 

There are two types of cookies:

  • Persistent cookies that persist in a cookie file on a user’s computer.
    They may be used, for example, to identify the user as a repeat visitor to a website and to customise the content of the website according to the user’s needs or to collect statistical data.

  • Session cookies are temporary and disappear when a user leaves the site or
    exits their browser. Session cookies may be used to enable certain
    features of the website, such as requesting a service or a product, etc.

Cookies are used to collect information about how the website is used to make it
more personal and user-friendly for the user. In addition, cookies help to collect
user statistics, which allows us to measure and improve the performance of a website and provide the
baseline for efficient marketing activities.

A user is considered to have accepted cookies if their browser settings allow cookies.
Web browsers often allow cookies to be stored on your device by default.
Users may disable or delete cookies on their device by changing the relevant
browser settings. If you disable cookies, our website may no longer work properly in your
Mönus Paik OÜ uses Google Analytics to collect
data on the pages visited, visit time, number of visits, devices used,
entry channels and other statistics in order to collect usage statistics.
Google Analytics can still collect data about user activity without the
use of cookies. In order to stop Google Analytics from using the data, the user can install a
Google Analytics blocking application on his/her device: Google Analytics
Opt-out Browser Add-on.


Mönus Paik OÜ reserves the right to change the data protection conditions unilaterally and without prior notice to
, in order to ensure compliance with the law. The privacy policy is always available in its latest form on the website.

Please contact us at for any data protections and data processing questions.